Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Apple TV 3 rumored to launch alongside iPad 3, ?mystery accessory?

The long rumored Apple TV 3 may finally be unveiled by Apple on March 7 as part of the just confirmed iPad 3 event.


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What is Live-in Care? | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Adult children whose parents need care at all hours of the day don?t have to settle with the idea that their parent will have to live in a rest home. If you haven?t thought about yet, now is the time to look into live-in care. In the comfort of their own home, your parents can rest easy knowing that a set of ?live-in caregivers? are on hand at all times to take care of them. Usually, live-in caregivers work in sets of two that return to their own homes between their shifts. This is actually a cheaper option that to hire a 24-hour hourly care.

Live-in care providers don?t really live in the client?s home. Instead, they are given a place to sleep and food is provided for them to eat. However, this is the client?s home, so the care provider cannot expect to be allowed to invite their friends and family over to the residence.

Typically, live-in caregivers are paid a daily salary as well as a place to sleep and food to cook with.

The caregiver is hired to provide medical care for the client, not to work as a maid or butler. They may choose to help with the grocery shopping, but this is usually done by a service or a family member of the client.

The senior client should feel at peace with their live-in care team. It makes for an uncomfortable situation for all involved if the agency does a poor job in matching up the caregiver to the client.

Watching an elderly parent struggle as they get older is painful for the adult children, but live-in care serves as a good fix to a difficult situation. The senior enjoys living in the comfort of his/her own home and the children can relax that their parent is being cared for.

While more than just an alternative to care from a nursing home, live-in care is a safe choice too. Your parent won?t be just another resident at the ?home.? Instead, he/she will be the star who is treated to their every need when they need it.

When shopping for live-in care, be sure to express all your concerns to the manager so they can custom-fit a plan just for your parent. The more information you can provide, the better the fit. Rest assure that each caregiver is not only screened for drugs, insured and bonded, but that they have gone through a state background check. If your caregiver won?t do that, don?t hire them. Getting references from other clients is a good idea too.

I?m a healthcare professional specializing in live-in care in Belle Meade. You may also be interested in reading more information about what people are saying

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Obama hails auto bailout, hits back at GOP critics

(AP) ? President Barack Obama proudly embraced his auto industry bailout Tuesday, telling a raucous labor audience that assertions by his Republican presidential challengers that union members profited from taxpayer-paid rescue are a "load of you know what."

Obama delivered a politically sizzling and staunchly pro-union speech to the United Auto Workers just as voters in Michigan, a center of auto manufacturing, went to the polls to cast their ballots in the state's Republican nominating contest.

In a campaign style setting, union president Bob King praised Obama as "the champion of all workers" who "saved our jobs and saved our industry," an introduction that elicited chants of "Four more years!" from a crowd estimated at about 1,700 UAW members.

The speech was part of an Obama strategy to steal some of the political limelight from Republicans on the same days that states hold their GOP primary votes or caucuses.

In highlighting the auto industry's comeback, Obama drew a distinct contrast with Republican presidential candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, both of whom have said they would not have used government money to save General Motors and Chrysler.

Obama's speech came as auto sales are surging, on a pace to exceed 14 million this year. Auto makers and parts companies added more than 38,000 jobs last year, with industry employment averaging 717,000 for 2011. And automakers have announced plans to add another 13,000 jobs this year.

Romney on Sunday said Obama favored the UAW in the bailout and that the president was "paying off the people that supported him."

Obama did not mention the Republican presidential contenders by name, but he left no doubt they were his targets.

"You've got folks saying. 'Well, the real problem is, what we really disagreed with was the workers, they all made out like bandits; that saving the American auto industry was just about paying back unions,'" Obama said. "Really? Even by the standards of this town, that's a load of you-know-what."

He noted that under the agreement to use taxpayer money to save GM and Chrysler, union members had to agree to reduced wages and that thousands of retirees saw reductions in their health care benefits.

"But they're still talking about you as if you're some special interest that needs to be beaten down," Obama said.

Despite the not-so-veiled references at Republican presidential contenders, the White House insisted Obama's remarks were not a political campaign speech, but rather a policy address about the state of the auto industry.

"These are substantive policy issues that affected hundreds of thousands, even millions of Americans," White House spokesman Jay Carney said. "And they're very worth speaking about, as president."

The Republican Party weighed in, doubling down on the claim that in authorizing the bailout Obama was simply doing the bidding of labor. "This is an insider deal for his union cronies who got billions in bailout money and are now backing Obama's re-election campaign," said Kirsten Kukowski of the Republican National Committee.

In his speech, Obama cast himself in heroic terms, saying he ran to "make the tough calls and do the right thing no matter what the politics."

In fact, Obama was not alone. Before Obama took office, President George W. Bush, faced with a reluctant Congress, directed more than $17 billion in emergency loans to GM and Chrysler in his final weeks in office. Bush demanded that the companies reduce their debt, negotiate wage and benefit cuts with workers and submit plans to achieve long-term viability.

In a veiled shot at Romney, Obama also said some critics wanted to "let Detroit go bankrupt." But Romney never used that phrase, though it was the headline on a November 2008 opinion piece he wrote for the New York Times. In that opinion piece, Romney called for a managed bankruptcy that would restructure the companies by letting them "shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs."

In his article, Romney added: "The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk."

The president sought to portray himself as a longtime ally of labor, recalling his days as a community organizer working with steel workers who had been laid off when their plants shut down.

"That still drives me today," he said, reiterating a line he uses in political campaign events. "So I'll promise you this: as long as you've got an ounce of fight left in you, I'll have a ton of fight left in me."

Obama also announced that his administration will crack down on unfair trade practices worldwide, a popular theme with labor and a counterpunch to Romney's tough-on-China rhetoric. Obama was signing an executive order creating an Interagency Trade Enforcement Center.

The office will expand the administration's ability to challenge unfair trading practices in China and elsewhere and coordinate enforcement activity across several U.S. government agencies. Obama's most recent budget proposal asks Congress for millions of dollars for the new enforcement center and more U.S. inspectors in China.

Associated Press


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Pakistan celebrates first Oscar win

Winners of the Best Documentary Short Subject for the Pakistani film "Saving Face," Daniel Junge and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy poses with the trophy in the press room at the 84th Annual Academy Awards on Sunday in Hollywood.

By Amna Nawaz, NBC News Pakistan correspondent

It's being called "Pakistan's Oscar," but 33-year-old filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy will be the one bringing the award home.

The Karachi native's latest film, "Saving Face," which chronicles the lives of acid attacks victims in Pakistan and the doctor working to help them, made history Sunday night at the 84th Academy Awards by winning Pakistan's first Oscar ever. The film was co-directed by American filmmaker Daniel Junge, and will air on HBO on March 8th.

Obaid-Chinoy accepted the award for Documentary Short Subject on stage and dedicated it to "all the women in Pakistan who are working for change ? don't give up on your dreams."

Award for all Pakistanis
In an interview with NBC News in Karachi before leaving for the awards in Los Angeles, Obaid-Chinoy said she felt the support of the entire nation, and hoped she could make Pakistan proud by bringing home an Oscar. Some of her fans' reactions confirm she's done just that.

NBC's Pakistan chief correspondent Amna Nawaz reports on the significance of the first Academy Award nod for Pakistan, for Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's "Saving Face."

Immediately following her win, proud Pakistanis ? watching early-morning satellite feeds of the awards ceremony halfway across the world ? took to the web to share their glee and congratulate their fellow countryman. For a brief moment, "Saving Face" became one of the top ten trends, worldwide, on Twitter.

"I walk a prouder #Pakistani today coz of you @sharmeenochinoy and your #Oscar win!!" tweeted @samrammuslim.

"Pakistan wins 1st #Oscar r hero @sharmeenochinoy," tweeted @asmiather.

Networks across Pakistan broadcast breaking news alerts to announce Obaid-Chinoy's win. Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani announced the nation would confer the filmmaker with the highest civilian award upon her return.

'The Artist' rules Academy Awards

In a statement released after the Oscars, Obaid-Chinoy said she was "deeply humbled and blown away by the outpouring of support and well wishes."

She also posted a Facebook message, dedicating the award "to the men in my life who have shaped the person I am today! My father & my husband I love you both!"?Her husband, Fahad, and she were high school sweethearts, and are the proud parents of a daughter ? Amelia ? now a toddler.

Obaid-Chinoy's father died suddenly in 2008 as the filmmaker was en route to the Emmy Award ceremony in New York, to accept the award for her film investigating the Taliban's recruitment of child suicide bombers in Pakistan. She called that win, "bittersweet," but said she knew her father was watching down on her at the Oscars.

"My parents have been very supportive from the very beginning," she told NBC News. "We're five sisters and a brother. My father brought us up as sons, not as his daughters. Had my father and mother not given us that platform or those opportunities, I don't know if I would be sitting here in front of you today."

Watch the trailer for the Academy Award winning HBO documentary "Saving Face."

Dedicated to telling Pakistan?s story
While she admits she considers the Oscar to be "THE award," Obaid-Chinoy said she remains focused on the problems in her home country and the issues she hopes to highlight through her work.

"There are so many stories in this country," she told NBC News. "We have close to 40 news channels, and most of them are talking about terrorism and the impact of terrorism. If you watch that, you begin to think there's nothing else in this country."

She is currently developing a television series to air in Pakistan highlighting the efforts of "real heroes" working to bring change in their communities.

"That," she said, "is how you inspire hope."

On the Oscars' "Thank You Cam,"?Obaid-Chinoy, clutching her gold statue, again thanked her family for their support, but quickly turned her comments back to her hopes for her country's future.

"To everyone in Pakistan, who fights against terrorism every single day," she said, "this, is for you."

NBC's Fakhar Rehman in Islamabad contributed to this report.

Click here for complete coverage of the Academy Awards

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Uma Thurman Expecting Third Child

The actress, 41, is set to welcome her first child with financier Arpad Busson, a rep confirms to PEOPLE exclusively.


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Advice On Relationships: Questions And Answers

Alan answers:

Okay, let?s get this straight: you went out with a guy for about a month and you are convinced that he is perfect.

Then you moved away and you?re not sure whether you should continue to see him and risk heartbreak because of the distance between you, complicated by the fact that you are only 16 and don?t drive, or just end it now and get the pain over and done with.

Well, here?s the thing that people don?t realize when they are 16. If two people are meant to be together, fate can, and sometimes will bring them together. In other words, why not stay in touch via the internet and phone and see what happens. You never know. The connection my fade away, or, in a few years, you might rekindle the flame and start over. That can even happen 10 years down the road. The key is to let things unfold, rather than panicking now and thinking that your whole life is hanging in the balance. It isn?t. Lots can happen. You don?t even drive yet.

The Perspective of Time

These two questions from 16-year-olds remind me of what my life was like at that age. Actually, at a slightly older age, 17, I believe, I had a girlfriend, a relationship which I described in my book, ??So, Why Have You Never Been Married??: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Lunacy?.

I have a clear vivid memory of one specific evening on which I was really agitated about how to handle this relationship. She was a very cute gal and I certainly cared for her, and didn?t want to break up with her. At the same time, I couldn?t imagine going through all the stages of life that lay ahead ? college, choosing a career, working ? with the same person. I couldn?t see how the relationship could survive, and yet, just like these young people, I didn?t want it to end.

Little did I know, of course, that not only would that relationship end, but that a number of significant relationships later in my life would end, as well, and that I would one day write a book about the love, loss and lunacy I have witnessed and experienced in relationships.

Would I have preferred to have stayed with my high-school sweetheart through the years?

Not a chance.

I believe that love, if it has a chance of success, is best between people with some level of maturity, wisdom and life experience.

Even those factors are no guarantee.

But the person we are at 30 is, or should be, very different than the person we are at 16 or 17.

Give yourself time to grow, develop and find out who you are before committing yourself to another person.

You don?t want all of those important changes to happen at their expense.

That is one of the most important pieces of advice on relationships I can give.




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Sunday, February 26, 2012

JudgeJeanine: and Rep. Burgess from Texas on the Keystone pipeline and rising gas prices. Plus a military shoutout to a hardworking Marine! #foxnews 9pmET

Twitter / Jeanine Pirro: and Rep. Burgess from Texa ... Loader and Rep. Burgess from Texas on the Keystone pipeline and rising gas prices. Plus a military shoutout to a hardworking Marine! 9pmET


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Workshop for Family Child Care Providers : Kern County ...

You are here: Home / News / Workshop for Family Child Care Providers

The latest in a series of infant/toddler workshops planned for family child care providers will focus on ?Culturally Appropriate Living Environments? and is scheduled from 6:30-8:30 p.m., on March 8 at Community Connection for Child Care (CCCC), 2000 24th Street in Bakersfield. Presented by CCCC the workshops represent a comprehensive effort by the California Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations and California Department of Education to strengthen young children?s learning and development through high-quality early care and education. Registration is required and can be made by calling (661) 861-5330.

Workshop instructor will be Teresia Paca, Kern County Superintendent of Schools early childhood education teacher. She will lead providers through the exploration of culture and its influence on the development of a child?s identity. Those in attendance will also learn how to provide culturally appropriate care for families and discover how to identify one?s own culture and values.

For more information, check the CCCC Events and Training Calendar online at


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

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Step-Parents | Kids Matter Blog

While many step-parents are wonderful people who are truly working hard to make things consistent between households for the children, there is a percentage that just aren?t. Here is an article I found online that deals with inconsistency between households in the areas of lying and cheating.

Parent Coach, Susan Stiffelman, is a licensed and practicing psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in developmental psychology and a Master of Arts in clinical psychology. Her book, Parenting Without Power Struggles, is available on Amazon.

Dear Susan,

My daughter?s step-mom is a horrible influence on her. She allows behavior like lying and cheating to get away with things at school ? and with her father. What can I do?


Dear Mom,

I know it?s discouraging when the effort you make to teach your daughter right from wrong is diluted by her stepmother?s influence. But take heart. By holding to the principles you want your daughter to learn from you, she will internalize a set point that will make it difficult to believe dishonorable behavior is acceptable.

Encourage your daughter to talk about what it?s like when her stepmother allows her to lie or cheat. Be careful not to make her feel like you?re trying to arm yourself with ammunition you?ll later fling at her dad. Don?t put your daughter in the middle. Just be there to help her untangle any confusion she?s feeling around her stepmother?s behavior. You can say things like:
?I wonder what that was like for you when your step-mom told you not to tell dad that she wrote an English essay for you. It must?ve been hard to keep that a secret? even if you were glad you didn?t have to struggle to do the assignment.?

?When your step-mom lied to grandma about the reason you didn?t go to her house for dinner, I?ll bet that felt pretty uncomfortable.

?I think it could be pretty confusing when you really want to watch that ?R? rated movie you know I don?t approve of? and your step-mom lets you see it.?

Ask your daughter if she would like help in talking with her dad about this, without blaming her step-mom. Even if her father defends his wife or denies her dishonesty, it will put everyone on notice that you?ve identified a problem that?s impacting your daughter ? and that you expect them to model responsible behavior with your daughter.

Most important, tell your daughter that even when people seem to get away with lying or cheating, they pay in other ways. Explain that we all have an internal compass that points us in the right direction. When we ignore it to get away with something, it costs us, whether we get caught or walk around feeling guilty.

Thank your daughter for telling you what?s going on. Let her know how proud you are of her for being a forthright person. Even if her stepmother fails to be a good role model, with your guidance, and the presence of other reputable adults in her life, she will discern right from wrong.

Yours in parenting support,



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Friday, February 24, 2012

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Always avoid unplanned trips because sometimes you may land into difficulty. It happens that a backpacker thinks that while travelling there are never ending possibilities of uncertainties. Therefore he doesn?t decide on plans and proper Backpacker holiday insurance. Unplanned trips sometimes excite a backpacker traveler as they prefer living simple, economically and with a care freely. The freedom to travel pleasingly can come only if you have peace of mind. So a backpacker traveler has to understand the importance of Backpackers insurance. They cannot be careless and impulsive. Before moving on to any adventure a backpacker has to necessarily follow some fundamental guidelines and learn some skills which may help him in problems during his journey. Backpacker skills may help him feel safer and secure as he travel. Plan at least for first destination. Backpacking in the off season can enable you to enjoy cheaper rates and deals. It is important for every traveler to have a travel insurance but a backpacker who goes for a journey involving adventure and risks needs somewhat more specialized like Backpacker holiday insurance. There are many insurance companies which offer backpackers with range of cheap travel insurance policies and deals that can be customized to suit his needs and the type of holiday he desires. Backpacking can be a very good experience and extremely satisfying and unforgettable way to travel. Backpacker Travel Insurance, skills and knowledge can together make a backpackers journey a safe and secure one.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rethinking Immunotherapy for Brain Tumors

As highlighted in our prior articles, growing evidence indicates that the field of cancer immunotherapy, broadly defined as including passive immunization, active immunization, and immunostimulation, is coming of age.? More than 40 unique active cancer immunotherapies are currently being tested in over 60 clinical trials, with nearly a dozen readouts from randomized Phase 2 or Phase 3 trials expected during the next 12-months.

Immunotherapy for cancers of the central nervous system [CNS], however, continues to be met with skepticism. ?Amongst the reasons for such incredulity are concerns that the nervous system may be immunologically privileged[i] and the presence of the blood-brain barrier, which only allows entry of select immune cells from the peripheral blood into the brain. ?However, all of these premises have now been substantially discounted and tumors in the CNS should not be considered ?off-limits? to immunotherapy[ii].

In addition, recent observations of how the CNS system behaves and interacts with the immune system have shed some light into the potential role of immunotherapy in the treatment of brain cancer. ?Consider the following facts:

  • People with impaired immune systems have an increased risk of developing CNS lymphomas[iii], suggesting that the immune system has a role in the manifestation of tumors in these patients. ?People with compromised immune systems include organ transplantation patients taking immunosuppressive drugs, HIV patients, and cancer patients being treated with chemotherapy, which can weaken immune functionality.
  • Bridget McCarthy, Ph.D. of the University of Illinois at Chicago found that patients with gliomas were significantly less likely to report having any type of allergy. ?In fact, patients who had more types of allergies, such as seasonal, medication, pet, or food allergies, had up to a 64% reduction in risk of developing glioma[iv]. This suggests a relationship between immunological activity and potential protection from the development of CNS tumors.
  • Neurologists and neurosurgeons provide anecdotal reports that glioma patients who experience postoperative infections near the tumor bed seem to do better than the average patient similar to the observations made over a century ago by Coley[v]. ?This suggests that exogenous factors, such as infections, may result in the activation of the immune system and improve the odds of combating CNS tumors.

Collectively, these observations suggest that proper activation of the immune system in patients with CNS tumors could be beneficial.? Accordingly, we sought to review select companies advancing immunotherapy approaches for brain tumors [see Table 1].

Table 1. Eight Companies with Immunotherapy Approaches for Brain Tumors

Company Market Cap Clinical Pipeline Corporate Partner(s) Stage(s) [# of programs]
Agenus, Inc. (AGEN) $62M Prophage Series*, QS-21 Stimulon? adjuvant, HerpV GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), ChemRar, and Integrated Biotherapeutics Phase III [4], Phase II [10], Phase 1 [1]
Celldex Therapeutics (CLDX) $202M Rindopepimut [CDX-110]; CDX-011, CDX-1401, CDX-1127, CDX-301 n/a Phase III [1], Phase II [3], Phase I [2]
Immatics Biotechnologies (private) n/a IMA-901, IMA-910, IMA-950 n/a Phase III [1], Phase II [1], Phase I [1]
ImmunoCellular Therapeutics (IMUC) $72M ICT-107 n/a Phase II [1]
Innocell Corp (031390.KQ) n/a Immuncell-LC** n/a Phase III [1]
Northwest Biotherapeutics (NWBO) $31M DCVax? n/a Phase II [1]
Oncovir, Inc. (private) n/a Hiltonol (Poly-ICLC) n/a Phase II [2], Phase I [2]
TVAX Biomedical (private, IPO planned) ~$80M at IPO TV1-Brain-1, TV1-Kidney-1 n/a Phase II [1]

* Marketed in Russia as Oncophage? for intermediate-risk renal cell carcinoma,?** Marketed in Korea for hepatocellular carcinoma

About Glioma

Glioma is the most common form of primary brain tumors. ?They are solid tumors that arise from glial cells, which help support the function of the neurons.? Glial cells include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells.? The overgrowth of abnormal glial cells may begin in the brain or spinal cord tissues.

Gliomas can be divided into two categories: low-grade, which are not benign but have a better prognosis, or high-grade, which are malignant and often cause death within months, despite surgery or treatment with chemotherapy or radiation, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Glioblastoma multiforme [GBM], a high-grade glioma, is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor.? In contrast, tumors originating from astrocytes [astrocytoma] range from Grade 1, which are very benign, to Grade 4, which is the same as a glioblastoma.

Amenable to Immunotherapy

Beyond recent observations suggesting a role for immunotherapy in treating brain tumors, several other factors make glioma an ideal indication for immunotherapy.? First, glioma rarely metastasizes beyond the brain, resulting in a low overall tumor burden within the body.? Second, while the blood-brain barrier is thought to restrict entry of immune cells from the peripheral blood into the brain of healthy individuals, glioma disrupts the blood brain barrier, allowing for the freer trafficking of T-cells.? Finally, glioma tumor tissue, especially in patients who are newly diagnosed, is amenable to surgical resection therefore lowering tumor burden at time of vaccination [minimal residual disease].? Studying cancer immunotherapy in settings with bulky or metastatic disease might help explain some of the past failures, as the immune system may not be able to thwart such extensive disease.? Accordingly, minimal disease settings are ideal for cancer immunotherapy.

Strategies for Immunotherapy in Glioma

In general, two categories of immunotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of glioma are currently being pursued: cell-free vaccines and cell-based vaccines.

Cell-free vaccines

Cell-free vaccines may contain heat-shock protein-peptide (HSP) complexes derived from the patient?s tumor following surgery [autologous] or incorporate one or more defined tumor peptides plus an adjuvant [non-autologous].? The following companies are advancing cell-free vaccines:

  • Agenus, Inc.: autologous HSPs that elicit both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell response and also innate response
  • Celldex Therapeutics: a single EGFRvIII peptide
  • Immatics Biotechnologies: 11 tumor associated, synthetic peptides

Cell-based vaccines

Cell-based vaccines often incorporate dendritic cells [DC] pulsed with defined tumor peptides, tumor cell lysate, brain tumor stem cell mRNA.? Alternatively, some cell-based vaccines consist of adoptive lymphocyte infusion and/or irradiated tumor cells.? The following companies are advancing cell-based vaccines:

  • ImmunoCellular Therapeutics: DCs pulsed with shared HLA-A1/A2 tumor peptides
  • Innocell Corp: adaptive transfer of cytokine-induced T-cells/NK cells
  • Northwest Biotherapeutics: DCs pulsed with tumor lysate
  • Oncovir, Inc.: a-type 1 polarized DCs pulsed with defined HLA-A2 peptides plus poly-ICLC adjuvant
  • TVAX Biomedical: whole cell vaccination plus adoptive transfer of lymphocytes

To date, commercializing cell-based vaccines has been challenging.? For example, Dendreon?s (DNDN) Provenge? [sipuleucel-T] for prostate cancer is a cell-based vaccine that fell short of Wall Street analyst expectations during the first full year of commercial launch.? Provenge and other DC-based cancer vaccines require leukopherisis to acquire a patient?s dendritic cells. ?This process adds to the overall cost of producing the vaccine and makes the logistics somewhat complicated. ?In contrast, cell-free vaccines can be derived from synthetic peptides or from the patient?s tumor following standard surgical resection, making the treatment process more user friendly from both a physician and patient perspective.

Clinical Development of Immunotherapy for GBM

The current standard of care for GBM, based on a prospective, randomized controlled trial published in 2005, involves maximal surgical resection with adjuvant radiation therapy and temozolomide[vi].? Despite this therapeutic regimen, median overall survival is between 14.6 and 19.6 months for newly diagnosed patients and between 6 and 9 months for recurrent GBM[vii],[viii].

While immunotherapy approaches for GBM would be expected to perform better in the newly diagnosed setting, some companies first established proof-of-concept for their product candidates in the relapsed setting.? Due to the shorter expected survival, these Phase I/II studies may be faster and less expensive.? If hints of efficacy are observed in the relapsed disease setting, the product candidates can then be explored in the newly diagnosed setting.

In view of differences among histologies, ages, trial designs, and the small number of patients with immunotherapy studies published to date in the recurrent GBM setting, comparing and contrasting the findings is difficult [see Table 2].? For example, in the largest single study [56 patients] from the Catholic University of Leuven, the median age was the lowest [45 years] due to the inclusion of children above the age of seven.? In addition, some of the studies included patients that were not diagnosed with GBM, such as astrocytomas that can vary in grade.

In contrast to the results obtained with current standard of care, several of the studies with cancer vaccines for recurrent GBM have demonstrated a median overall survival greater than nine months. ?Some of these trials where immune responses have been measured, such as the Prophage G-200 [HSPPC-96] trial, have shown impressive immunological activity post vaccination. ?More impressive and certainly more relevant, these responses have also been measurable locally at the tumor site, which suggests such a response may be more meaningful from the perspective of effectively combating the disease.

Table 2. Recurrent GBM Vaccine Data





Clinical Stage

# Patients w/ GBM

Median Age

Overall Survival

Agenus, Inc. Prophage G-200 [HSPPC-96][ix] Phase II 33/33 53 [n=33] 11 [n=33]
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium DC pulsed w/ tumor lysate [+/- booster of lysate without DC][x] Phase I/II 56/56 45 [n=56] 9.6 [n=56]
Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, California DC pulsed w/ tumor lysate[xi] Phase II 21/32 54 [n=32] 13.4 [n=12] to 20 [n=9]
TVAX Biomedical TV1-Brain-1[xii] Phase I 16/19 50 [n=19] 12 [n=19]
Niigata University School of Medicine, Niigata, Japan DC pulsed w/ tumor lysate[xiii] Phase I/II 18/24 53 [n=18] 16 [n=18]
Oncovir/University of Pittsburgh a-type 1 polarized DCs pulsed w/ defined HLA-A2 peptides plus poly-ICLC adjuvant[xiv] Phase I/II 13/22 54 [n=13] 12 [n=13]


Several companies are also currently conducting immunotherapy trials in newly diagnosed GBM, with encouraging results presented to date, including Agenus [ NCT00905060], Celldex Therapeutics [ NCT01480479], Immatics [ NCT01222221], ImmunoCellular [ NCT01280552], Innocell Corporation [ NCT00807027], and Northwest Biotherapeutics [ NCT00045968].

An important future direction for the successful treatment of these very difficult tumors may involve the combination of immunotherapeutic agents with other synergistic treatments. ?Such approaches could simultaneously address the immunosuppressive, angiogenic, invasive, and hypoxic nature of GBM.? In this regard, combination approaches with Avastin? [bevacizumab] and other potentially synergistic agents would make imminent sense to pursue.

Note: For further information on this topic, click here to view a replay of the plenary session ?Advances in immunotherapy for glioma? by Andrew T. Parsa, M.D., Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco, from MD Becker Partners? 2nd Annual ?Cancer Immunotherapy: A Long-Awaited Reality? Conference held October 6, 2011.


[i] Medawar PB.? Immunity to homologous grafted skin: the fate of skin homografts transplanted to the brain, to subcutaneous tissue, and to the anterior chamber of the eye. Br J Exp Pathol. 1948 Feb;29(1):58-69.

[ii] Heimberger AB, Sampson JH.? Immunotherapy coming of age: What will it take to make it standard of care for glioblastoma?? Neuro Oncol. 2011 Jan;13(1):3-13. Epub 2010 Dec 10.

[iii] Guinto G, F?lix I, Ar?chiga N, Arteaga V, Kovacs K. Primary central nervous system lymphomas in immunocompetent patients.? Histol Histopathol. 2004 Jul;19(3):963-72.

[iv] McCarthy BJ, Rankin K, Il?yasova D, Erdal S, Vick N, Ali-Osman F, Bigner DD, Davis F. Assessment of type of allergy and antihistamine use in the development of glioma.? Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Feb;20(2):370-8.

[v] Nauts HC, McLaren JR. Coley toxins ? the first century.? Adv Exp Med Biol. 1990;267:483-500.

[vi] Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, Weller M, Fisher B, Taphoorn MJ, Belanger K, Brandes AA, Marosi C, Bogdahn U, Curschmann J, Janzer RC, Ludwin SK, Gorlia T, Allgeier A, Lacombe D, Cairncross JG, Eisenhauer E, Mirimanoff RO; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumor and Radiotherapy Groups; National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group. Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glioblastoma.? N Engl J Med. 2005 Mar 10;352(10):987-96.

[vii] Grossman SA, Ye X, Piantadosi S, Desideri S, Nabors LB, Rosenfeld M, Fisher J; NABTT CNS Consortium.? Survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma treated with radiation and temozolomide in research studies in the United States.? Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Apr 15;16(8):2443-9. Epub 2010 Apr 6.

[viii] Caroli M, Locatelli M, Campanella R, Motta F, Mora A, Prada F, Borsa S, Martinelli-Boneschi F, Saladino A, Gaini SM.? Temozolomide in glioblastoma: results of administration at first relapse and in newly diagnosed cases. Is still proposable an alternative schedule to concomitant protocol?? J Neurooncol. 2007 Aug;84(1):71-7. Epub 2007 Mar 15.

[ix] A. Parsa, C. Crane, S. Han, V. Kivett, A. Fedoroff, N. A. Butowski, S. M. Chang, J. L. Clarke, M. S. Berger, M. McDermott, M. Aghi, C. Yanes, M. Prados, A. E. Sloan, J. N. Bruce.? Autologous heat shock protein vaccine (HSPPC-96) for patients with recurrent glioblastoma (GBM): Results of a phase II multicenter clinical trial with immunological assessments.? J Clin Oncol 29: 2011 (suppl; abstr 2565)

[x] De Vleeschouwer S, Fieuws S, Rutkowski S, Van Calenbergh F, Van Loon J, Goffin J, Sciot R, Wilms G, Demaerel P, Warmuth-Metz M, Soerensen N, Wolff JE, Wagner S, Kaempgen E, Van Gool SW.? Postoperative adjuvant dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in patients with relapsed glioblastoma multiforme.? Clin Cancer Res. 2008 May 15;14(10):3098-104.

[xi] Wheeler CJ, Black KL, Liu G, Mazer M, Zhang XX, Pepkowitz S, Goldfinger D, Ng H, Irvin D, Yu JS.? Vaccination elicits correlated immune and clinical responses in glioblastoma multiforme patients.? Cancer Res. 2008 Jul 15;68(14):5955-64.

[xii] Sloan AE, Dansey R, Zamorano L, Barger G, Hamm C, Diaz F, Baynes R, Wood G.? Adoptive immunotherapy in patients with recurrent malignant glioma: preliminary results of using autologous whole-tumor vaccine plus granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and adoptive transfer of anti-CD3-activated lymphocytes.? Neurosurg Focus. 2000 Dec 15;9(6):e9.

[xiii] Yamanaka R, Homma J, Yajima N, Tsuchiya N, Sano M, Kobayashi T, Yoshida S, Abe T, Narita M, Takahashi M, Tanaka R.? Clinical evaluation of dendritic cell vaccination for patients with recurrent glioma: results of a clinical phase I/II trial.? Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Jun 1;11(11):4160-7.

[xiv] Okada H, Kalinski P, Ueda R, Hoji A, Kohanbash G, Donegan TE, Mintz AH, Engh JA, Bartlett DL, Brown CK, Zeh H, Holtzman MP, Reinhart TA, Whiteside TL, Butterfield LH, Hamilton RL, Potter DM, Pollack IF, Salazar AM, Lieberman FS.? Induction of CD8+ T-cell responses against novel glioma-associated antigen peptides and clinical activity by vaccinations with {alpha}-type 1 polarized dendritic cells and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid stabilized by lysine and carboxymethylcellulose in patients with recurrent malignant glioma.? J Clin Oncol. 2011 Jan 20;29(3):330-6. Epub 2010 Dec 13.


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Jsis Article Directory ? Exactly why Jiu Jitsu Is the Best Discipline

Martial arts, Kung fu, Tae Kwon Do, Modern martial arts, Kenpo, as well as Nin Jitsu are all respected and also great disciplines. But?There is no art better along with effective as compared to Jiu Jitsu. Jiu Jitsu employs control and method. Oahu is the just artwork where a more compact particular person could conquer an extremely more substantial opposition with ease and never depend on athleticism along with rate. Royce Gracie was smaller and less fitness than every one of the adversaries he confronted in Ultimate fighting championship series 1, 2, 4, and also 5. This individual broke his / her method via individuals tournaments carefully submitting most of his / her oppositions. This individual battled mma fighters of every willpower along with earned. Some tips i feel declaring is just not an opinion. This is a verified reality based on the initial 5 UFC?s where it wasn?t outstanding sportsman compared to exceptional athlete?but design as opposed to type. This kind of type ended up being revised as well as produced by Helio Gracie who was 5?7? as well as 145 pounds. He or she ended up being extremely small however this individual had been beating men of each size utilizing influence and strategy. No person may take care of him.
An advanced girl, here is the just fine art to practically damage a male even bigger as well as more robust compared to you employing suitable technique. The conventional sexual assault position is actually Jiu Jitsu?s ?guard.? If you are properly qualified within the guard, you?ll have tons of strategies to creating your assailant touch out and about as well as undergo anyone it doesn?t matter who you are. If you live inside the Tampa region and don?t understand Jiu Jitsu, then you?ve to view Gracie Tampa To the south as well as discover this excellent art work. Should you live not even close to Tampa after that have a look at the whole Jiu Jitsu methods on Dvd and blu-ray from to master Jiu Jitsu tactics from the convenience of your own home.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

6 Strong advices to motivate yourself right now. | The Ultimate Life ...

Motivate yourself for lifeHow much can you motivate yourself on your own? Do you expect others to help you become motivated? How much do you love yourself? Can you answer this question proudly and with full confidence that you love yourself so much more than anyone else in this world. Hopefully most people would agree that they love themselves and their life as well. If it is just the same for you, don?t you think that you are little wrong about judging yourself. Why don?t you always try to improve yourself and your life?Once upon a time, someone told me that it is more important to actually do something than only thinking about doing that. If you feel demotivated, there are lots of ideas to motivate yourself even without taking advice from anyone. If i am not wrong, most people in this world think about improving their life quality and the way of living. But they only think about it without even thinking about implementing the ideas into reality. If you love yourself, you must understand the importance of improving yourself and your life quality. If you don?t feel motivated that you can actually do that, read the following points. Hope your mentality will change?..

You must not fail and stop while everyone around you is running for success :
Moving forward must be the primary choice of your life. You can not stop simply because you think you can?t. Motivation doesn?t come automatically if you don?t feel confident on your ability. The more you fail in life, the more you will loose confidence to move forward. Take a look what everyone else is doing. You don?t have to fight with others to motivate yourself for a better you. But you have to fight with yourself at first. Everyone fights their own war with their mentality and their lifestyle. Once you are the winner in the fight and can totally control your mind, you are actually motivating yourself to move forward for a better life.

You motivate yourself not for others, but for yourself :

Others might give lots of advices to motivate you to move forward if you fail. But they will not always be there for you. The only person who will always be their with you is you. You will never leave yourself. You are the only person who will always be there to live your life. So you motivate yourself not for others, but for yourself and your own life.

You must not forget : Your life is yours :

You are the only owner of your life. If you fail, you will suffer, others don?t. Improving yourself is your need. Don?t expect others to help you motivate yourself all the time. You have lived your life, You are living your life and you will keep living your life for the rest of your life. Others will never come to live your life for you.

Everyday is the first day of the rest of your life :

Past failure is not more important than your future success. Forget your failures in the past and start a new journey. Don?t let your past failures become a problem for your future success. Motivation doesn?t come automatically. You have to be a motivation for yourself. You are fully responsible for whatever happens in your life. Do not blame others for not meeting expectations. But blame yourself for expecting so much from others.Take everyday as the first day of the rest of your life and start living your life to the fullest.

You are the biggest motivation for yourself :

Others can never become a true motivation for yourself until or unless you take it seriously. You yourself are always a better motivation than just anything else in the world. If you become successful on your own, you will feel the happiest moment of your life. If you truly believe yourself, your mind will always tell you who you are even at the worst moment of your life. If someone hurts you, it may not be your mistake, But if that person hurts you again, it is definitely your own mistake. Judge yourself and the people around you carefully. A small failure can even destroy your full confidence level which plays a prominent role to keep you motivated all the time.

Do you believe, sometimes you are the biggest problem for yourself ?

Believe it or not, sometimes you are the biggest problem for your own life. Your brain can understand what you should do. But your mind can sometimes tell you a different thing. Your life will be destroyed in this kind of a fight. Don?t let your life create such a situation for you. Make yourself strong enough to believe what you are doing is absolutely correct. But you must not motivate yourself to do something that most people consider wrong.

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PS Vita: a Games page special | Video Game Reviews - SpotGames

PS Vita?s promise f?r th? game player ?? straightforward: a PlayStation 3 ?n ???r pocket. Th?t means a ridiculously b???t?f?l ?nd high-resolution screen, two t?n? analogue joysticks, ?nd th? rest ?f th? buttons found ?n ???r now-obsolete PSP. It?s ?l?? g?t smartphone standards such ?? touch screen, tilt control, accelerometer, cameras ?nd microphone, ?? well ?? a Vita-exclusive touch panel ?n th? back ?f th? device. Alongside th? gaming, few w?ll b? surprised t? discover th?t Facebook, Twitter, foursquare, Skype, Netflix, PlayStation Video Store ?nd Google Maps ?r? ???t a few ?f th? b?g-name social ?nd shopping add-ons th?t ?r? now pretty much obligatory f?r anything th?t ??n connect t? a modern network. It?s light, th? battery lasts a respectable few hours? play, ?nd th? unit itself ?? frankly g?rg????. Whether th?r??ll b? room f?r ?t ?n pockets already weighed down w?th smartphones ?nd iPods ?? debatable, b?t here ?r? ??m? ?f th? titles ?t?s launching w?th th?? Wednesday t? further whet ???r appetite.

PS Vita: ?229 (wi-fi ?nl?) ?r ?279 (3G wi-fi)

Launch titles roundup

Arriving mere months ?ft?r b?g-budget console release Drake?s Deception, Golden Abyss delivers a similarly polished adventure, w?th superb voice acting ?nd characterisation keeping things lighthearted, even ?f th? aiming ?? a l?ttl? ponderous ?n ?t? frequent gunfights. Still, ?t brings ?n unlikely epic grandeur t? th? world ?f handheld gaming.

SCEE, ?44.99

Wipeout 2048

ed6e2 Wipeout 2048 004 PS Vita: a Games page special
Wipeout 2048. Photo: PR

Wipeout h?? b??n helping Sony launch consoles ??n?? th? original PlayStation ?nd ?t doesn?t matter ? aside fr?m appearing here ?n exquisite high definition ? th?t th?? features essentially th? same hover racing, block-rocking beats ?nd mildly psychedelic visuals th?t m?d? th? series famous. It?s still a thrilling game.

SCEE, ?34.99

Th?r??s n? g?-kart game ?n th? world t? compete w?th Mario Kart 7 b?t Modnation Racers: Road Trip gamely h?? a g? b? throwing ?n endless customisation options, fr?m track creation t? accessorising ???r driver ?n innumerable ?m???ng ways. Sadly th?? ?? missing ?n online multiplayer mode, wh??h w?ll seriously limit ?t? long-term appeal.

SCEE, ?34.99

Reality Fighters

Th?? plays l?k? a simplified Virtua Fighter, w?th staccato moves blending ?nt? combos easily triggered b? button mashing. Th? ?t?r? mode offers racially stereotypical interludes fr?m Mr Miyagi, ???r caustic trainer, ?nd th? novelty ?f staging augmented reality fights ?n ???r ?wn coffee table ?? underpinned b? decent, ?f uninspiring, fight mechanics.

SCEE, ?24.99

Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition

ed6e2 Virtua Tennis 4 World Tou 004 PS Vita: a Games page special
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition. Photo: PR

Fr?m th? mildly unhinged mother hen mini-game t? th? world tour?s familiar mix ?f training, matches ?nd rest periods, th?? ?? everything ?t? console b?g brother w??, w?th ?n added Vita-?nl? ?touch vs? mode, wh?r? ??? play against a friend ?n th? same screen, plus a VT cam th?t lets ??? take photos ?f yourself alongside ???r virtual player.

SEGA, ?34.99

And th? rest?

Oth?r launch titles f?r PS Vita include L?ttl? Deviants, a set ?f b?r?ng mini-games t? encourage exploration ?f ?t? controls; Escape Pl?n, a monochromatic platform game w?th Tim Burton influences; Everybody?s Golf, wh??h d??? ?t? usual grand job ?f m?k?ng golf fun; ?nd Ridge Racer ? l?k? Wipeout, ?n essential f?r ?n? n?w Sony console.


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Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Arcade Gaming in Online Casinos | The Plan Is To Blog

The Software gaming company Comtrade has an agreement of the arcade gaming manufacturer Pascual Company. The project that was built between ComTrade and Pascual Company, The supplier will give a software platform for ComTrade?s gaming players who are designated to expose their casinos and online betting premises.Pascual Company, a Belgian company based arcade gaming supplier, will be giving to ComTrade an organized online gambling system that includes gaming solutions. The server will give the opportunity for the operators of an online gaming website to manage their online business and to give full satisfaction to their clients. The software was built to modify arcade games of Pascual to an online gambling system. The formed from the two companies will give the latest innovation of online gaming industry and to the benefits of their customers to feel that the excitement and satisfaction in playing casinos are unpredictable. Pascual Game?s objective is to make arcade gaming accessible in online casino websites and to inspired land-based arcade gaming to improve its performance as the web based that is legal for the authorities. The software?s capability will give an alternate adjustment to online gambling demands by the Belgian authorities and an opportunity for the managers as an benefit. The enhancement of online casino, and of the touch of arcade games the excitement within the room of casinos will be on top from the players. Specially, the unique attraction of arcade gaming will give the online gambling industry the opportunity to expand extra of its capabilities and produce different variations of games.

Comtrade?s software is the only thing that Pascual Company is looking for them to offer special features for the clients in order to urge them for planning of online gaming. In accordance of the Belgian?s authorities, the two companies are merged the Pascual?s professionalism in gaming experience and the ComTrade?s field of expertise. As we can see the formed alliance from the two great companies will improve the online casino gaming industry and also will help the web business gaming grow of the market today.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama birth-control rule stokes election-year fight (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - The top Republican in the Congress on Wednesday denounced President Barack Obama's new rule on contraceptives as an assault on "religious freedom" and vowed to overturn it, as the White House sought to prevent the issue from becoming an election-year liability.


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Physical activity yields feelings of excitement, enthusiasm

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

People who are more physically active report greater levels of excitement and enthusiasm than people who are less physically active, according to Penn State researchers. People also are more likely to report feelings of excitement and enthusiasm on days when they are more physically active than usual.

"You don't have to be the fittest person who is exercising every day to receive the feel-good benefits of exercise," said David Conroy, professor of kinesiology. "It's a matter of taking it one day at a time, of trying to get your activity in, and then there's this feel-good reward afterwards."

Conroy added that it often is hard for people to commit to an exercise program because they tend to set long-term rather than short-term goals.

"When people set New Year's resolutions, they set them up to include the entire upcoming year, but that can be really overwhelming," he said. "Taking it one day at a time and savoring that feel-good effect at the end of the day might be one step to break it down and get those daily rewards for activity. Doing this could help people be a little more encouraged to stay active and keep up the program they started."

The researchers asked 190 university students to keep daily diaries of their lived experiences, including free-time physical activity and sleep quantity and quality, as well as their mental states, including perceived stress and feeling states. Participants were instructed to record only those episodes of physical activity that occurred for at least 15 minutes and to note whether the physical activity was mild, moderate or vigorous. Participants returned their diaries to the researchers at the end of each day for a total of eight days. The researchers published their results in the current issue of the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.

According to Amanda Hyde, kinesiology graduate student, the team separated the participants' feeling states into four categories: pleasant-activated feelings exemplified by excitement and enthusiasm, pleasant-deactivated feelings exemplified by satisfaction and relaxation, unpleasant-activated feelings exemplified by anxiety and anger, and unpleasant-deactivated feelings exemplified by depression and sadness.

"We found that people who are more physically active have more pleasant-activated feelings than people who are less active, and we also found that people have more pleasant-activated feelings on days when they are more physically active than usual," said Hyde, who noted that the team was able to rule out alternative explanations for the pleasant-activated feelings, such as quality of sleep.

"Our results suggest that not only are there chronic benefits of physical activity, but there are discrete benefits as well. Doing more exercise than you typically do can give you a burst of pleasant-activated feelings. So today, if you want a boost, go do some moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise."

Conroy added that most previous studies have looked only at pleasant or unpleasant feelings and paid less attention to the notion of activation.

"Knowing that moderate and vigorous physical activity generates a pleasant-activated feeling, rather than just a pleasant feeling, might help to explain why physical activity is so much more effective for treating depression rather than anxiety," he said. "People dealing with anxious symptoms don't need an increase in activation. If anything, they might want to bring it down some. In the future, we plan to look more closely at the effects of physical activity on mental health symptoms."


Penn State:

Thanks to Penn State for this article.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rambus, Nvidia sign patent licensing deal

(AP) ? Technology licensing company Rambus Inc. said Wednesday it has signed a licensing agreement with chip maker Nvidia Corp. to settle a long-running patent dispute.

Financial terms of the five-year agreement were not disclosed. The deal allows Nvidia, which makes graphics chips and processors for PCs, tablets and other devices, to use Rambus's technology in a broad range of its products.

"This is an important license agreement as it settles our differences and allows us to move forward with Nvidia, the leader in visual and parallel computing," said Harold Hughes, president and CEO of Rambus, in a statement.

Rambus sued Nvidia as early as 2008, when it claimed that six Nvidia product lines infringed its patents.

Nvidia said in a statement it is "pleased to settle these matters on terms that are fair and logical to us."

The shares of both companies advanced in the wake of the settlement.

Shares of Rambus rose 66 cents, or 8.7 percent, to $8.21 in morning trading. The stock has traded in the 52-week range of $4 and 22.20.

Shares of Nvidia rose 57 cents, or 3.6 percent, to $16.31. The stock has traded between $11.47 and $26.01 in the past year

Associated Press


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Making A Genuine Difference With Inexpensive Home Improvement ...

We all have our unique strengths and weaknesses, and that is why there is so much various degrees of success with business across the spectrum. IM business owners and marketers who have successfully taken advantage of austin limo and who have been around the block a few times realize the truth in that statement. Using outsourced labor can be very helpful for leveraging time; however that is most likely not a viable option for most people. If that is something that gets your attention, and it should, then you will be delighted to find out what is in store for you. Nothing beats having a solid grasp on the details of outsourcing or anything else prior to using it. Outsourcing can be tremendous, but it can be a nightmare if you have never hired before and do not even know the best places to do that.

One of the main reasons that people do not do home improvement projects is that they think it will cost too much. You can improve how your home looks very easily by doing smaller home improvement projects instead of large ones. Using your imagination, and the tips in this article, you may be able to achieve several low-cost home-improvement projects on your own.

You can simultaneously improve your home and property, and also make some fast cash, by following this strategy. The simplest way to make a big change is to get rid of excess stuff in your home. Clutter makes you feel constricted and makes it hard to appreciate the objects that surround you. Do whatever you can to get rid of unnecessary items which may be broken or simply too large for your home. Items that are not broken can be sold on eBay; you could also have a yard sale on the weekend. You can donate furniture or clothing that?s in decent condition to local charities. Lots of stuff, however, will probably end up in the trash. Not only do you get to throw away items you have no need for, you can also organize valuable items that you currently have.

One thing you might want to take a look at are the doors in your home. You should replace these doors if you can, especially if they are unsightly or old. If your doors need painting, you should do this to make them look brand-new; you could also replace old doors. People that have wooden doors might want to replace them, especially if dry rot has set in. Most people will see your front door, so if this is in bad shape, you should replace this one first. There are other doors that you should replace if they are bad including attic, closet, and basement doors. The appearance of your home will definitely improve and your house will also be more energy-efficient once you do this.

We tend to feel that anytime people are too hasty to consider using new approaches or ideas in their business that they are basically not allowing for maximum growth and revenue. We suppose many people are close-minded in matters like this because maybe they are arrogant or simply go through life like that. One thing you can easily do is test austin seo on a small scale, and that is another approach we tell people to try ? just do a small test and decide. You will always need to carefully assess anything new, though, and that means you have to base your decisions on research, first.

We have all been scammed early in our IM careers, and it can almost seem like a rite of passage for us. There really are a lot of people, we assume based on what we have read, who just blindly buy things they think will work great and maybe never even try them. But you should not be afraid of anything that appears to be new to you because there are some products that are excellent. You know about trolls, and there are those who bad-mouth just about anything regardless of how good it is; so keep that point in mind. Maybe you have already had experiences in which smart homework saved you some money. When you mull over home improvement / decorating projects, the scent of your home is probably not something you are thinking about, yet it is an essential thing to consider. This plays a tremendous role in the environment of your home, whether you are planning to stay or planning to go, this is an important matter. Many things can contribute to stale odors, from mold and mildew to pets. Other than the odor it emits, mold can be a major issue, so you need to have it eliminated as quickly as you can. Other odors, however, can be controlled by frequent cleaning, air purifiers and essential oils. If you ascertain information about aromatherapy, you can provide your home with scents that make people happier.

Inexpensive ways to make your home look great abound, and they are also easy to implement once you get going. People that do simple home improvements often clean their yard up, and do a few interior improvements such as cleaning the house. If you just pay attention to what your house needs in regard to improvements and repairs, you can have your residence looking great in no time at all.

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But do keep in mind that how you execute what you learn will have more of an impact one way or the other. Your complete business strategy will contain a variety of elements that do not necessarily have to be related to each other. There are tons of methods on the net that we bet you have never thought about, but approach with some common sense, first. There is no real need to put everything on the line with a method or ad campaign that is unproven in your business. But really when you think about it, it is a bit of good sense to dip your toes in the water and see how it is. Yes, that and much more will help to take care of you with your business.


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