PS Vita?s promise f?r th? game player ?? straightforward: a PlayStation 3 ?n ???r pocket. Th?t means a ridiculously b???t?f?l ?nd high-resolution screen, two t?n? analogue joysticks, ?nd th? rest ?f th? buttons found ?n ???r now-obsolete PSP. It?s ?l?? g?t smartphone standards such ?? touch screen, tilt control, accelerometer, cameras ?nd microphone, ?? well ?? a Vita-exclusive touch panel ?n th? back ?f th? device. Alongside th? gaming, few w?ll b? surprised t? discover th?t Facebook, Twitter, foursquare, Skype, Netflix, PlayStation Video Store ?nd Google Maps ?r? ???t a few ?f th? b?g-name social ?nd shopping add-ons th?t ?r? now pretty much obligatory f?r anything th?t ??n connect t? a modern network. It?s light, th? battery lasts a respectable few hours? play, ?nd th? unit itself ?? frankly g?rg????. Whether th?r??ll b? room f?r ?t ?n pockets already weighed down w?th smartphones ?nd iPods ?? debatable, b?t here ?r? ??m? ?f th? titles ?t?s launching w?th th?? Wednesday t? further whet ???r appetite.
PS Vita: ?229 (wi-fi ?nl?) ?r ?279 (3G wi-fi)
Launch titles roundup
Arriving mere months ?ft?r b?g-budget console release Drake?s Deception, Golden Abyss delivers a similarly polished adventure, w?th superb voice acting ?nd characterisation keeping things lighthearted, even ?f th? aiming ?? a l?ttl? ponderous ?n ?t? frequent gunfights. Still, ?t brings ?n unlikely epic grandeur t? th? world ?f handheld gaming.
SCEE, ?44.99
Wipeout 2048
Wipeout 2048. Photo: PR
Wipeout h?? b??n helping Sony launch consoles ??n?? th? original PlayStation ?nd ?t doesn?t matter ? aside fr?m appearing here ?n exquisite high definition ? th?t th?? features essentially th? same hover racing, block-rocking beats ?nd mildly psychedelic visuals th?t m?d? th? series famous. It?s still a thrilling game.
SCEE, ?34.99
Th?r??s n? g?-kart game ?n th? world t? compete w?th Mario Kart 7 b?t Modnation Racers: Road Trip gamely h?? a g? b? throwing ?n endless customisation options, fr?m track creation t? accessorising ???r driver ?n innumerable ?m???ng ways. Sadly th?? ?? missing ?n online multiplayer mode, wh??h w?ll seriously limit ?t? long-term appeal.
SCEE, ?34.99
Reality Fighters
Th?? plays l?k? a simplified Virtua Fighter, w?th staccato moves blending ?nt? combos easily triggered b? button mashing. Th? ?t?r? mode offers racially stereotypical interludes fr?m Mr Miyagi, ???r caustic trainer, ?nd th? novelty ?f staging augmented reality fights ?n ???r ?wn coffee table ?? underpinned b? decent, ?f uninspiring, fight mechanics.
SCEE, ?24.99
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition. Photo: PR
Fr?m th? mildly unhinged mother hen mini-game t? th? world tour?s familiar mix ?f training, matches ?nd rest periods, th?? ?? everything ?t? console b?g brother w??, w?th ?n added Vita-?nl? ?touch vs? mode, wh?r? ??? play against a friend ?n th? same screen, plus a VT cam th?t lets ??? take photos ?f yourself alongside ???r virtual player.
SEGA, ?34.99
And th? rest?
Oth?r launch titles f?r PS Vita include L?ttl? Deviants, a set ?f b?r?ng mini-games t? encourage exploration ?f ?t? controls; Escape Pl?n, a monochromatic platform game w?th Tim Burton influences; Everybody?s Golf, wh??h d??? ?t? usual grand job ?f m?k?ng golf fun; ?nd Ridge Racer ? l?k? Wipeout, ?n essential f?r ?n? n?w Sony console.
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